Premiere 2003
For children 4+
Duration 40 minutes
Production FRU-FRU and URSZR

Hedgehog the fireman is a fearless and nice fireman. He helps and saves the little forrest creatures, who sometimes get into trouble. The main hero is Pikec the Little Hedgehog, who likes playing pranks on others. There is also the cheating rat, who is constantly making new cunning plans to steal from others, which makes the story even more exciting.
Different adventures of Pikec, his friend Lizika and others show children how to act in cases of natural disasters, such as fire, flood, and earthquake, and teach them who to call for help.
The show is made for the youngest audience and teaches them in an unobtrusive and amusing way about the dangers they can encounter in a kindergarten, school or at home. This puppet show was made in cooperation with the Administration of the Republic of Slovenia for Civil Protection and Disaster Relief (Uprava Republike Slovenije za zaščito in reševanje), which was also the initiator of this joint project.
Based on a text by: A. ROZMAN ROZA • Design by: ADRIANO JANEŽIČ • Technology, puppets and scenography made by: MARJAN KUNAVER, MATEJA ŠUŠTERŠIČ • Scenography painted by: NEVA VRBA, ADRIANO JANEŽIČ • Music by: MARJAN KUNAVER, arrangement: ANDREJ ŽIBERT • Performed by: MATEVŽ GREGORIČ, IRENA RAJH • Directed by: FRU-FRU